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The ATACH Community of Practice resource repository aims to make resources which directly support delivery of the COP26 Health commitments easily accessible.

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Safe, climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities: an overview

This guidance summarizes key information and strategies for creating safe, climate-resilient, and environmentally sustainable health care facilities. It provides definitions, actionable guidance, and resources for implementation by health care managers, practitioners, and national authorities.

Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Health National Adaptation Plans, Net zero health systems, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Guidance document, Global

Quality criteria for integrating health into Nationally Determined Contributions

The document provides guidance for integrating health into countries' Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), aiming to improve their quality and ambition. It supports national officials in understanding climate plans and key entry points for health, covering a structured approach, quality criteria, examples, and resources to address health impacts and promote climate-resilient and low-carbon sustainable health systems.

Categories: Nutrition, Climate Resilient Health Systems, Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Health National Adaptation Plans, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Guidance document, Global

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Sectoral Guidance

This Sectoral Guidance document is designed as a simplified sectoral guidance to supplement general GHG protocol guidance. It aims to assist self-care suppliers in developing a GHG reduction strategy by providing non-technical...

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Guidance document, Tools, Global

Target setting for low carbon sustainable health systems

This document contains key considerations and a practical checklist to assist health system administrators and policy makers in setting credible and ambitious decarbonization targets for the health sector.

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Guidance document, Global

Operational framework for building climate resilient and low carbon health systems

This document presents the WHO Operational framework for building climate resilient and low carbon health systems. The framework’s goal is to increase the climate resilience of health systems to protect and improve the health of communities in an unstable and changing climate, while optimizing the use of resources and implementing strategies to reduce GHG emissions.

Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Access to climate change funding for health, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Health National Adaptation Plans, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Guidance document, Tools, Global, Africa, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Pacific, South East Asia, Americas (Pan American Health Organization), Europe

Aga Khan Development Network’s Tool to Calculate Health Operations Emissions

This Excel tool calculates the GHG emissions of health care facility operations. It converts readily available data from health facilities and community-based programs into instant carbon read-outs using accurate and up-to-date carbon conversion factors. Downloads include: Excel tool and guidance document in both English and French.

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Guidance document, Tools, Global

Climate Impact Checkup Tool and guidance

The Climate Impact Checkup tool can be used to assess GHG emissions baselines of health care facilities using facility-level data on energy, transport, waste, and gases to then calculate footprints based on national or local emissions factors. Downloads include: Excel tool, two training videos, guidance document and slides for users and trainers.

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Guidance document, Training, Tools, Global

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimation in Canadian Healthcare

The resource provides guidance and outlines available tools for measuring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in healthcare and provides an overview of the current state of estimation across Canada. While primarily aimed at Canadian health care organizations the tools and guidance are more widely applicable globally.

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Guidance document, Tools, Americas (Pan American Health Organization)

Climate Change and Health Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments: Workbook for the Canadian Health Sector

The steps in the Workbook constitute an approach to climate change and health vulnerability and adaptation assessment that is based on the latest knowledge of climate change and health and has been tailored to the Canadian health sector.

Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Guidance document, Tools, Global

WHO Country Support on Climate Change and Health - Visual Guide

This visual guide provides an overview of the climate change and health technical support package offered by WHO to member states to advance climate-resilient health. It is structured around the process for building climate-resilient health and presents the tools, resources, and assistance that are available.

Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Access to climate change funding for health, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Health National Adaptation Plans, Guidance document, Tools, Global

Designing a Net Zero Roadmap for Healthcare: Technical methodology and Guidance

This resource describes a methodology, which includes guiding principles and methods, for a national or regional health authority to measure their health systems emissions and develop a decarbonisation roadmap that is compatible with the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Access to climate change funding for health, Net zero health systems, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Guidance document, Americas (Pan American Health Organization)

Quality Criteria for Health National Adaptation Plans (HNAPs)

This guidance presents good practice examples to support countries in developing a comprehensive and feasible Health National Adaptation Plan (HNAP). The criteria guide countries in developing a long-term iterative HNAP process that can adapt to country contexts, a changing climate, and new knowledge and technologies.

Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Health National Adaptation Plans, Guidance document, Global

UNOPS Sustainable Procurement Framework

The Framework sets out the strategy for the implementation of sustainable procurement in UNOPS procurement activities. It aims to enhance the operationalisation of sustainable procurement, leverage the UNOPS purchasing power, mitigate possible risks from harmful purchases, and align procurement with applicable UNOPS and UN commitments.

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Guidance document, Global

Funding opportunities under the Adaptation Fund

The Adaptation Fund finances projects in developing countries to support vulnerable communities in adapting to climate change. Projects can be developed for climate change and health.

Categories: Financing, Climate Resilient Health Systems, Access to climate change funding for health, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Health National Adaptation Plans, Funding opportunity, Guidance document, Global

Technical Series on Adapting to Climate-Sensitive Health Impacts: Diarrhoeal Diseases

This guidance document outlines the process for conducting a climate change and health V&A assessment for diarrhoeal diseases. It describes the steps for identifying vulnerable population to diarrhoeal diseases, establishing relevant baselines that can be monitored, analysing future climate change impacts, and implementing appropriate responses.

Categories: Nutrition, Climate Resilient Health Systems, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Guidance document, Global

Mainstreaming Gender in Health Adaptation to Climate Change Programmes

This document provides guidance on integrating gender considerations into all stages of climate change and health programs, including in the identification, formulation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation stages. It includes guidance on conducting gender analysis of health vulnerability and designing gender-responsive adaptation programs.

Categories: Nutrition, Climate Resilient Health Systems, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Health National Adaptation Plans, Guidance document, Global

Climate-Resilient Water Safety Plans: Managing Health Risks Associated with Climate Variability and Change

This document supports Water Safety Plan (WSP) teams to incorporate climate change in the WSP process to improve water safety through climate vulnerability assessments, disaster risk reduction, and integrated water resources management. It is designed to be used with the WHO/IWA Water Safety Plan manual.

Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Health National Adaptation Plans, Guidance document, Global

Climate Change and Health Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments: A Knowledge to Action Resource Guide

This guide offers tools and guidance for conducting vulnerability and adaptation assessments (V&A) in Canada. It includes assessment guidance tools and completed Canadian study examples. It is a useful resource for others conducting a climate change and health V&A assessment.

Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Health National Adaptation Plans, Guidance document, Tools, Global, Americas (Pan American Health Organization)

Sustainable Procurement Index for Health (SPIH)

The SPIH is an excel tool to aid the procurement process by assessing greenhouse gas emissions and other sustainability indicators of suppliers and their products. The tool consists of set of questions and a scoring approach and comes with a user’s guide and webinar recording.

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Guidance document, Tools, Global

How to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Inhaler Prescribing - A Guide for Healthcare Professionals in the UK

This guide aims to reduce the carbon footprint of inhaler prescribing in the UK healthcare system, contributing towards achieving zero emissions. It provides principles, approaches, FAQs, and carbon footprint category of inhaler devices. It targets UK healthcare professionals but could be useful in other settings.

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Guidance document, Country experience, Europe

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