Target setting for low carbon sustainable health systems
Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Guidance document, Global
Publisher: World Health Organization
This document supplements the World Health Organization Operational Framework for Building Climate Resilient and Low Carbon Health Systems with additional advice and resources on how to set credible and ambitious decarbonization targets for low carbon sustainable health systems.
Defining a specific target for greenhouse gas emissions reduction can be a highly effective mechanism for setting a clear long-term direction and monitoring progress towards delivering low carbon health services. This document contains overarching considerations and a practical checklist of key elements and resources that can help ensure that emissions reduction targets are tangible and clearly defined, consistent with other decarbonization targets inside and outside the health sector, and function as an effective tool for driving and monitoring progress on health system decarbonization.
Intended users:
Health system administrators and policy makers at national or sub-national levels, in health systems that have either committed to a decarbonization target or are in the process of defining one.