UNOPS Sustainable Procurement Framework
Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Guidance document, Global
Publisher: United Nations Office for Project Services
The Sustainable Procurement (SP) Framework outlines the principles and requirements for implementing sustainable procurement practices in UNOPS procurement activities.
The framework aims to enhance the consistency and operationalization of sustainable procurement by including all the mandatory provisions, guidance, resources, and relevant SP initiatives in a single document, including those for supplier sustainability and supplier diversity and inclusion. It also seeks to leverage the purchasing power of UNOPS and collaborate closely with suppliers to drive market changes in favor of sustainable impacts. Additionally, the SP Framework aims to mitigate any risks to UNOPS and its beneficiaries from the purchase of harmful, outdated, or unsustainable goods or services or from unsustainable suppliers while aligning procurement practices with UNOPS and UN commitments, strategies, and frameworks.
This document is a useful example to those working on sustainable procurement activities.
Intended users
Ministry of Health and health professionals and managers in other countries to learn from the UNOPS experience and approach and adapt to their own context.