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Initiative on Climate Action and Nutrition (I-CAN-WG)

Climate change and malnutrition in all its forms are two of the greatest challenges facing humanity today and are intrinsically intertwined. By addressing these two priorities in an integrated way, we have one solution to two of our biggest barriers to sustainable development. Climate change is impacting food systems, health systems, social protection systems and water systems - all of which are fundamental for good nutrition. At the same time, inefficiencies and maladaptation in these four systems are further contributing to the drivers of climate change, namely greenhouse gas emissions and the degradation of natural resources. The impacts and exposure to risk factors of climate change and nutrition are not gender neutral. Inequalities in access to health and nutrition services and social protection, control over resources, agency and decision-making power are underlying drivers of malnutrition and climate change. As a result, women and girls are differently exposed and have different abilities to respond to or cope with shocks.

Launched at COP27 with leadership of the Government of Egypt and key international partners, the Initiative on Climate and Nutrition (I-CAN) focuses on the intersection of climate change and nutrition. For a comprehensive description of the I-CAN's specific goals and activities, a concept note and a narrative are available. 

I-CAN represents an example on how to integrate public health issues directly into climate action, thus enhancing the health in all policies approach. The Initiative provides an opportunity for other health sectors to identify pathways and mechanisms of engagement into the climate action. Through coordination and collaboration with ATACH, I-CAN strives to help foster collaboration to accelerate transformative action to address the critical nexus of climate change and nutrition. 

Key objectives

The I-CAN-WG meets at least twice a year to achieve its key objectives and help countries meet their commitments. Its objectives include:

  • Build a strong alliance across nutrition and climate communities.
  • Articulate a common, compelling narrative around climate and nutrition.
  • Develop and share evidence on integrated nutrition and climate action.
  • Strengthen existing efforts and take action to address gaps.

The I-CAN-WG Workplan

  • Build a strong alliance across nutrition and climate communities;
  • Improve advocacy to increase action toward linkages between climate and nutrition;
  • Develop and share evidence-base on integrated nutrition and climate action;
  • Stewardship;
  • Mobilize resources for I-CAN; and
  • Articulate a common, compelling narrative around climate and nutrition.
Key documents

Please find below useful documents related to the I-CAN activities

Key resources

Red and processed meat in the context of health and the environment: many shades of red and green. Information brief

This document synthesizes the evidence on the role of red and processed meat production and consumption in health and environmental outcomes and in different social and political contexts. It also provides a brief overview of potential interventions to optimize health/environmental outcomes.

Categories: Nutrition, Net zero health systems, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Discussion paper, Global

Climate Action and Nutrition: Pathways to Impact

This I-CAN paper highlights the evidence on how climate change and nutrition are interconnected through food, water, social protection and health systems and identifies 30 integrated actions, with associated key enablers, to accelerate progress on nutrition and climate outcomes.

Categories: Nutrition, Health National Adaptation Plans, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Discussion paper, Global

Technical Series on Adapting to Climate Sensitive Health Impacts: Undernutrition

This guidance document outlines the process for conducting a climate change and health V&A assessment for diarrhoeal diseases. It describes the steps for identifying vulnerable population to diarrhoeal diseases, establishing relevant baselines, analysing future climate change impacts, and implementing appropriate responses.

Categories: Nutrition, Climate Resilient Health Systems, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Guidance document, Global

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