Carbon Emissions Learning Lab
Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Net zero health systems, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Training, Tools, Global, Europe
Publisher: Geneva Sustainability Centre
Planning and implementing strategies to achieve net zero has become a core competency for modern hospital leaders. The Geneva Sustainability Centre developed the Carbon Emissions Learning Lab (CELL) to empower healthcare leaders to understand the decision-making that can help hospitals reduce their environmental footprint while improving human health outcomes.
The CELL online learning tool provides an engaging management simulation in a realistic and low-risk environment. Learners can experiment with different projects to lower greenhouse gas emissions, see the predicted results immediately, and assess their impact. CELL is fun, easy to use and powered by real-world data.
By developing the knowledge and skills to become climate leaders, hospital leaders can reduce the environmental impact of healthcare delivery. Climate-resilient hospitals improve population health outcomes, promote workforce wellbeing and improve the health of the community. For hospital leaders, pursuing environmental sustainability can also help to optimize a hospital’s operations, with cost-savings benefits amongst others.
CELL was developed by the International Hospital Federation’s Geneva Sustainability Centre in partnership with Sim Institute. CELL supports individual and team learning, helping to drive the transition to sustainable, resilient, and low-carbon healthcare. It is currently used in hospital and university training settings. Facilitator support materials are available.