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Case study on a "first win" intervention

The ATACH Community of Practice welcomes case study submissions from ATACH members that showcase a specific intervention (or interlinked set of interventions) implemented by a health system to build climate resilience and/or low carbon sustainability, including practical guidance to help other health systems implement it.

What is a "first win"?

“First wins” interventions are those that are:

  • Within reach already for many health systems around the world;
  • Associated with multiple co-benefits to improve health systems and population health;
  • Effective to build climate resilience and/or low carbon sustainability.

Examples of first wins can be viewed in the "First wins" Library of the ATACH. 

Submit a "first win" 

The process to submit a "first win" case study is as follows: 

  1. Propose a case study: After reviewing the template & instructions linked below, please send an email to stating the country and a brief description of the intervention you wish to showcase. This will help ensure that your case study fits within the scope of the ATACH, and will allow the Secretariat to support you as needed to develop the case study.
  2. Draft your case study: After your initial proposal is approved, you will be invited to develop the case study using the template below, and send your draft to The Secretariat may make suggestions to ensure consistency and relevance of your case study in the ATACH Community of Practice. When finalized, your case study will be published in the "First wins" library of the ATACH, and may also be publicized in relevant channels of the ATACH (e.g. ATACH newsletter).

      Click on your preferred language below to download the template and instructions for a "first win" case study.

      in English                en français                  en español

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