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Switzerland and Portugal join ATACH during G20 Summit

Switzerland and Portugal join ATACH during G20 Summit

During the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, two G20 countries have announced their commitments to building climate resilient and low carbon sustainable health systems: Switzerland and Portugal. Their commitments bring the number of ATACH members to 90 countries/areas. The 2024 G20 Summit focused on climate change with events on health in recognition of the interlinkages between health and climate change.   

Switzerland joined the ATACH with a recognition of the pressing need to reduce emissions from the health sector, to strengthen the resilience of health systems worldwide to growing climate threats such as heat waves, and to prevent and protect population health from climate-sensitive public health threats. Notably, Switzerland is experiencing warming that is two to three times faster than the global average. In its commitment, Switzerland also highlighted the One-Health approach as a crucial framework to foster cooperation and build synergies to address interlinked human, animal and environmental issues, such as climate change.  We welcome our host country and look forward to enabling collaboration with all ATACH members.  

Portugal joined the ATACH following several years of work on measuring emissions from its health system and developing national health policies which prioritize resilience, sustainability and health equity in response to climate change. Portugal is particularly vulnerable to climate change through droughts, heatwaves and rising sea levels. Severe wildfires which impacted the central and northern regions of the country in September 2024 are a stark reminder of the importance of urgent climate action for human health and security. Portugal joins the ATACH to actively collaborate with Alliance members in efforts to address the climate emergency for health. We welcome Portugal and look forward to the knowledge and experience they will bring to the Alliance. 

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