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The ATACH Community of Practice resource repository aims to make resources which directly support delivery of the COP26 Health commitments easily accessible.

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Health systems decarbonization: Lessons learned in building capacities in the sector

This brief presents key lessons learnt from Health Care Without Harm’s experience in greenhouse gas (GHG) national baselining, action planning initiatives, and capacity-building strategies. These lessons learnt can help shape future approaches for countries working to measure and reduce health care-related emissions and enhance sustainability.

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Training, Country experience, Global, Western Pacific, South East Asia, Americas (Pan American Health Organization), Europe

Operational framework for building climate resilient and low carbon health systems

This document presents the WHO Operational framework for building climate resilient and low carbon health systems. The framework’s goal is to increase the climate resilience of health systems to protect and improve the health of communities in an unstable and changing climate, while optimizing the use of resources and implementing strategies to reduce GHG emissions.

Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Access to climate change funding for health, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Health National Adaptation Plans, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Guidance document, Tools, Global, Africa, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Pacific, South East Asia, Americas (Pan American Health Organization), Europe

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