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The ATACH Community of Practice resource repository aims to make resources which directly support delivery of the COP26 Health commitments easily accessible.

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Transition to sustainable plastic packaging for consumer healthcare products

This Position Paper from the Global Self Care Federation (GSCF) outlines the consumer healthcare industry's perspective on policies needed to enhance sustainable packaging for non-prescription medicines and food supplements. It...

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Discussion paper, Global

Red and processed meat in the context of health and the environment: many shades of red and green. Information brief

This document synthesizes the evidence on the role of red and processed meat production and consumption in health and environmental outcomes and in different social and political contexts. It also provides a brief overview of potential interventions to optimize health/environmental outcomes.

Categories: Nutrition, Net zero health systems, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Discussion paper, Global

Climate Action and Nutrition: Pathways to Impact

This I-CAN paper highlights the evidence on how climate change and nutrition are interconnected through food, water, social protection and health systems and identifies 30 integrated actions, with associated key enablers, to accelerate progress on nutrition and climate outcomes.

Categories: Nutrition, Health National Adaptation Plans, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Discussion paper, Global

Global Roadmap for Health Care Decarbonization

This document establishes a global vision for health systems to work toward zero emissions while advancing climate resilience and global health goals. It also provides country specific information for 68 nations to begin to develop their own analysis and national road maps.

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Discussion paper, Global

Health Care Climate Footprint

This report provides a global estimate of health systems’ greenhouse gas emissions (with 43 country specific estimates) and examines the contributions of specific elements, such as anesthetic gases. It identifies research gaps to further understand the sector’s emissions and outlines multi-level policy recommendations for climate action.

Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Discussion paper, Global

Investing in Health and Social Protection Systems: A Proposed Investment Agenda Towards the SDGs

The Finance in Common platform (FICS), hosted by Agence Française de Développement (AFD), presents an opportunity to unlock climate change funding for health by convening public development banks and private institutions to promote alignment in strategies and practices with a focus on social and climate agendas.

Categories: Financing, Access to climate change funding for health, Discussion paper, Global

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