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The ATACH Community of Practice resource repository aims to make resources which directly support delivery of the COP26 Health commitments easily accessible.

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WHO Guidance for Climate Resilient and Environmentally Sustainable Health Care Facilities

This guidance aims to enhance the capacity of health care facilities (HCFs) to protect and improve health in an unstable and changing climate and to empower HCFs to be environmentally sustainable, by optimizing resource use and minimizing the release of waste into the environment.

Quality Criteria for The Evaluation of Climate-Informed Early Warning Systems for Infectious Diseases

This guidance outlines key technical and operational criteria related to the performance, application, implementation, and effectiveness of climate-informed Early Warning Systems (EWS) for health. It facilitates the evaluation of existing EWS and decision-making for the implementation of new tools.

Technical Series on Adapting to Climate Sensitive Health Impacts: Undernutrition

This guidance document outlines the process for conducting a climate change and health V&A assessment for diarrhoeal diseases. It describes the steps for identifying vulnerable population to diarrhoeal diseases, establishing relevant baselines, analysing future climate change impacts, and implementing appropriate responses.

Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change

This tool complements the WHO Guidance for Climate-Resilient and Environmentally Sustainable Health Care Facilities with seven checklists to identify and address climate-related vulnerabilities and impacts in healthcare facilities. Results allow healthcare facilities to understand their readiness and resilience to climate change and suggests appropriate interventions.

Climate Change and Health: Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment

This guidance document outlines the process for conducting a climate change and health vulnerability and adaptation assessment. The assessment considers policies, programmes and capacities of health systems that could increase resilience, taking into account the multiple determinants of climate-sensitive diseases and health outcomes.

Discussion Paper: Climate, Sanitation and Health

This paper provides an overview of the impact of climate change on sanitation and health, with a focus on climate adaptation. It outlines potential adaptation options to strengthen sanitation governance, policies, systems, and services, and highlights the need for further research and policy imperatives.

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