The ATACH Community of Practice resource repository aims to make resources which directly support delivery of the COP26 Health commitments easily accessible.
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Quality Criteria for The Evaluation of Climate-Informed Early Warning Systems for Infectious Diseases
This guidance outlines key technical and operational criteria related to the performance, application, implementation, and effectiveness of climate-informed Early Warning Systems (EWS) for health. It facilitates the evaluation of existing EWS and decision-making for the implementation of new tools.
Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Health National Adaptation Plans, Guidance document, Global
Technical Series on Adapting to Climate Sensitive Health Impacts: Undernutrition
This guidance document outlines the process for conducting a climate change and health V&A assessment for diarrhoeal diseases. It describes the steps for identifying vulnerable population to diarrhoeal diseases, establishing relevant baselines, analysing future climate change impacts, and implementing appropriate responses.
Categories: Nutrition, Climate Resilient Health Systems, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Guidance document, Global
Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change
This tool complements the WHO Guidance for Climate-Resilient and Environmentally Sustainable Health Care Facilities with seven checklists to identify and address climate-related vulnerabilities and impacts in healthcare facilities. Results allow healthcare facilities to understand their readiness and resilience to climate change and suggests appropriate interventions.
Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Guidance document, Tools, Global
Climate Change and Health: Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment
This guidance document outlines the process for conducting a climate change and health vulnerability and adaptation assessment. The assessment considers policies, programmes and capacities of health systems that could increase resilience, taking into account the multiple determinants of climate-sensitive diseases and health outcomes.
Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Guidance document, Global
Discussion Paper: Climate, Sanitation and Health
This paper provides an overview of the impact of climate change on sanitation and health, with a focus on climate adaptation. It outlines potential adaptation options to strengthen sanitation governance, policies, systems, and services, and highlights the need for further research and policy imperatives.
Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Guidance document, Global
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