Strengthening climate resilient health system capacity in Lao PDR
Lao Peoples' Democratic Republic has recently developed its Health National Adaptation Plan (HNAP), and is implementing actions to strengthen health adaptation and mitigation capacity on the long-term (2022-2030).
Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Access to climate change funding for health, Climate Change & Health Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessments, Health National Adaptation Plans, Country experience, Western Pacific
Citizens’ survey on the climate emergency and sustainability Strategy in Scotland
The NHS Scotland rolled out a population survey to collect feedback on its Climate Emergency & Sustainability Strategy. This "Citizens' Panel Survey" is the first national population opinion survey focused on issues relating to climate change and sustainability in the national health service.
Categories: Climate Resilient Health Systems, Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Net zero health systems, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Country experience, Europe
First fully electric ambulances cutting carbon emissions from patient transport in England
The NHS Net Zero Travel and Transport Strategy introduces electric vehicles to improve air quality, reduce operational costs and cut emissions while ensuring high-quality services to patients.
Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Global, Europe
Emissions assessment across health care facilities in the Republic of Guinea
The Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene conducted an assessment of greenhouse gas emissions in 51 healthcare facilities across the country, to inform its low carbon health system development action plan.
Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Net zero health systems, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Country experience, Africa
National health system carbon footprint assessment in Spain
Leer el estudio de caso en español
Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Net zero health systems, GHG emissions baseline assessments, Country experience, Europe
Cutting emissions from anaesthetic gases in England: ending the use of desflurane
The National Health Service (NHS) in England provides publicly funded health services – including hospital, ambulance, community, mental health and primary care – and is Europe’s largest employer. NHS England provides national...
Categories: Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems, Supply chains, Net zero health systems, Action Plans for sustainable low carbon health systems, Country experience, Global, Europe